Lower Extremity Bracing
Knee Braces – Ligament and Osteoarthritis
We provide many options from basic knee stability support to custom-made bracing options for knee ligament injuries (e.g. ACL tear) and osteoarthritis. These braces are lightweight and used to reduce pain during daily activities and sport use. They are also a possible solution for those not seen as surgical candidates for knee replacements or for those on a surgery waitlist. View our products here.
Ankle Braces
We carry a wide range of ankle products for many instabilities and conditions. The brand names include, but are not limited to Aircast, ASO, OttoBock, Anatech, Swedo, Active Ankle, Ossur, and Breg. View our products here.
Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO)
Burnaby Orthopaedic offers many AFO solutions. We provide off-the-shelf carbon fibre AFO’s as well as custom products. We also offer devices that mount externally like the Dictus Band and the Allard Navigait. View our products here.
Foot Products
We offer devices ranging from toe caps to hallux valgus splints, and metatarsal pads. View our products here.
Walking Boots
We carry walking boots that come in either short or standard. View our products here.