Knee Braces

OTS Knee Braces

Off-The-Shelf Knee Braces

These knee braces are a great, more economical solution or for when the brace is only required for a short time.  They range from knit compression sleeves to hinged knee braces with more rigid frames.  We offer brands such as Anatech, Breg, Bledsoe, Ossur, Donjoy, and Medspec.  These braces can be used to treat conditions like patella-femoral pain, patellar malalignments, and low grade ligament or meniscal injuries.


Anatech Knee Braces

Supplying many options from Anatech these knee brace can be fit off the shelf or made to measure for hard to fit legs.  A variety of alterations can be added to the devices such as finger loops, thigh/calf Velcro closures and popliteal cut outs. View our products here.


Breg Knee Braces

Breg offers many options ranging from knee sleeves to enhance patellar tracking to rigid stability and offloading knee braces. View our products here.

Ossur (Generation II) Knee Braces

Ossur’s inventory will cover almost any knee bracing need.  Braces available range from simple knee sleeves, to unloading knee braces and rigid ligament stability braces. View our products here.

medspecMedSpec Knee Braces

The MedSpec Patellavator provides excellent patellar stability for patellar subluxations and mal-alignments. View our products here.