Knee Braces – Do They Actually Work? Find Out Now!

Knee Braces – Do They Actually Work? Find Out Now!

Knee braces are supports that people put on for treating a wounded or painful knee. A lot of people make use of them as a guard against accidentalknee injuries at the time of sports activities. These braces are manufactured using materials like non-latex neoprene, foam or elastic. Furthermore, they are available in numerous sizes, colors, and styles in the market.

When Are Knee Braces Beneficial For You?

Knee braces have grown to be a conventional treatment choice for a number of sportsmen or individuals who are afflicted by knee pain. They are affordable, readily available, and convenient to wear. However,the question is when are these contraptions beneficial, and will making use of a knee brace assist in preventing accidental injuries? Generally, there are two reasons why you should use a knee brace:

  • For relief from pain
  • For structural support

What Type of Knee Braces are Available?

There are primarily four variants of knee braces available in the market:

Prophylactic braces:They are meant to guard the knee from any kind of damage that might happen while playing sports.

Rehabilitative braces: Commonly made to restrict motion of the knee to provide protection to damaged ligaments when the knee is healing.

Functional braces: They are utilized after a knee injury – providing support to a wounded knee.

Unloader/Offloader braces: They are generally recommended for those who have knee to present relief from the pain.

Do Knee Braces Actually Help?

Knee braces are usually used to present knee stability or avoid further injury by guarding the knee when it is recovering from a physical injury or surgical procedure. However, the majority of the people have one question on their mind – do they actually help?

The fact is thata lot of people claim that knee braces helps them in preventing knee injuries during the sports. Also, quite a fewsay that they actually help in providing the ideal support that their knee requires.

Based on a research, 49 individuals with knee OA between the ages of 45 and 87 that sported a knee brace experienced significantly less pain and disability after six months of continuous usage. A brace can help increase activity and steadiness in people up to a certain extent, however all the other things are just as essential.

A person who is suffering from Arthritis can make use of an unloader or even an offloaderknee brace as it can assist them in their pursuit to remain active. Furthermore, it is beneficial for keeping the muscles of the leg and ligaments unscathed. A lot of people make use of it to improve their body posture.

The requirement for a brace needs to be identified by a physiotherapist or a physician. It can decrease stress on the knees, but nevertheless a correct assessment is required to determine if you should utilize a knee brace and which variant must be used to treat your injury.

Looking for a reliable and effective knee braces to treat your osteoarthritis? Look no further than Ossur. Ossur knee brace can help control your pain and reduce your dependency on medicines. Burnaby Orthopaedic& Mastectomy is a leading provider of Ossur braces. For further information about their products, click here.